Have you seen the new Petals at
Bo Bunny? If not, these are MUST haves!! I had the fun of working with them this week! I used the cream Petals that coordinate with the
Olivia Collection. These are gorgeous and they take mist or ink so beautifully! There is a LOAD of inspiration using many different Bo Bunny Petals ont the
Bo Bunny Blog today! Be sure to check it out!
I wanted to alter an item and couldn't come up with an idea. There happened to be a paper back book laying on the counter, so that's what I altered! This is what I came up with. Perfect for that small space that you need a little something decorative.
This is really easy to do.
1. Spray the pages of your book with water to make the pages wave.

2. Give the pages a few good sprays with Coffee Shop Glimmer Mist.
3. Use Decoupage with a paint brush to liberally coat the pages. Be sure to do the upper and lower edges, too. Place something heavy on it to keep it fairly flat to dry. Decoupage dries very quickly, so the wait isn't too long! :)
4. While it's drying to the cover. Cut 2 chipboard sheets the same size as the book top and bottom. Cut one piece of chipboard the same size as the spine. Cut a sheet of cardstock 1 inch longer and wider than the entire book cover size. (This will allow plenty of room to overlap the paper for the cover.)
5. Now, decoupage your chipboard pieces to the patterned paper. When applying decoupage to adhere paper, you want a very thin coat. A thin coat prevents bubbling with paper. Be sure to leave a bit of space between the pieces as shown so that your cover will fold well over the book. Trim and fold over edges as show. Along the spine, just fold your paper under, or you can attach it over the top.
6. Use a liberal amount of decoupage to adhere the cover to your book. You are ready to decorate! I added a small piece of florist's foam as shown in the picture to add some dimension to my arrangement. Adding foam also gives you a great base to design around.
Bo Bunny Products:
Olivia Stripe
Olivia Honey Dew
Olivia Cashmere
Olivia Dot
Clover Dot
Olivia Cream Gardenia Petals
Olivia 12x12 Chipboard
Other Products
Florists Foam
Glimmermist - Coffee Shop
Tulle-Copper Shimmer
Royal Coat Decoupage Finish
Hint: To add an overall 'antiqued' look, simply give your entire project a few light sprays of Glimmermist.
Thanks for dropping by!