Change can be tough, but our lives are moving in a wonderful new direction. As I look back, I can't help but be very proud of our kids. This is what they are supposed to be doing. As a mother, there is a part of me that would like just a bit more time with them being 'in the nest'. Thankfully, they both live within 2 1/2 hours of us and we see them often. As I said... HUGE blessings!
Looking back on the year of scrapbooking, I did not accomplish anywhere near what I planned to get done! Does anyone ever do it all? Well, if they do, I wish that they would come a schedule my time! lol We are all settled in our home now, the kids are happy and I have big plans for next year. Of course, if it doesn't get done, I'll just enjoy the journey.
I have seen so many people share their top ten for the year. I decided to do it, too. These are mine. They aren't necessarily my 'best' but they all have something I loved. Mostly, I would say that these were chosen because of the way they make me feel. My favorites usually come down to the pictures and the memories that they envoke. So here goes...

I also NEED to share the new kits at My Creative Scrapbook!! Here is my January kit work. Loving these kits!!! LOTS and LOTS of fun things to play with!
The Main Kit this month features Lily Bee papers! Oh so yummy!!

The Limited Edition Kit features GCD Studios!! Check out these FANTASTIC embellishments!!

Thanks for hanging out with me through this incredible long post!!!